Skunk cleaner shrimp
The skunk cleaner shrimp is a member of the Lysmata genus, a group of shrimps notable for their symbiotic relationships with other species, such as moray eels. Cleaner shrimps commonly designate a specific part of their reef as a ‘cleaning station’, where they perform a simple dance. This dance signals to passing fishes that the shrimp is available to perform cleaning services such as removing parasites and dead tissue. Commonly these shrimps cohabitate with large fish, such as groupers or moray eels, in crevasses or caves, the fish will protect the shrimp in return for the health benefits. The shrimp are omnivorous, and are quite capable of hunting other invertebrates (including rival cleaner shrimps), but usually only do so when there is competition for resources. Skunk cleaner shrimps are characterised by their long white antennae. As they mature, a white stripe develops along the back of their carapace, dividing two vivid red bands. Unfortunately for the skunk shrimp, their poor eyesight and colour-blindness has led scientists to believe that they are unable see each other’s beautiful patterns. The adult skunk cleaner shrimp carries its eggs in a set of arms (pleopods) under its body. The eggs hatch into larvae that free-float as plankton, hunting other planktonic animals until taking a more mature shrimp form. All skunk shrimps start life as males, but become functional hermaphrodites once fully mature. It is believed that skunk cleaner shrimps are monogamous, and spend their entire lives with a single mate. These mates will take turns protecting the other when they moult, and will also alternate male and female roles between breeding cycles. The skunk cleaner shrimp has not yet been assessed for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.Old woman angelfish
The old woman angelfish is regarded as a rather dull looking fish. It is a bronze-brown colour with paler hindquarters. Juveniles of the species have blue vertical bars, which they lose at maturity. The old woman angelfish lives in small groups near the coast (east coast of Africa), feeding on algae and seafloor invertebrates. Juveniles remain in tidal pools or are swept away by the Agulhas current. The old woman angelfish is listed as Least Concern by the IUCN and has a stable population.Vagabond butterflyfish
The vagabond butterflyfish is identifiable by its complex colour pattern. Vertical black bands run across its eyes and between its tail and body. Eight thin, black stripes run from its dorsal fin to its face, and fourteen more stripes intercept these from its sides. It is visually similar to the closely related threadfin butterflyfish, but lacks the eyespot and dorsal fin filament. Vagabond butterflyfish inhabit lagoons, reefs and river mouths across Africa’s east coast, the Red Sea and Japan. These butterflyfish form monogamous pairs that defend their feeding territory. Together the duo search for worms, algae and crustaceans to supplement their omnivorous diet. IUCN status is Least Concern with stable populations.Threadfin butterflyfish
Threadfin butterflyfish have predominantly white faces and bodies, with yellow hindquarters. They display a thick black stripe across their eyes, and a black eyespot is present on the dorsal fin. Mature adults have a small, yellow trailing filament on their dorsal fins. Threadfin butterflyfish inhabit the slopes of coral reefs, and their colouration varies depending on where they originate. For example, those found in the Red Sea do not have an eyespot. These fish usually stay in a pairs while hunting small invertebrates such as shrimp, but the species is omnivorous and will scavenge if food is scarce. IUCN status is Least Concern, but its populations are decreasing.Pineapplefish
The pineapplefish is an unusual visitor to the Cape, usually preferring the warm waters of the Indian Ocean reefs and rocky shores. It is a nocturnal predator, using bioluminescent lures to attract small prey close to its hiding place. This fish lives in the sublittoral zone, 20-200m below the surface and prefers to live near rocky overhangs, coral reefs and under ledges. Pineapplefish are usually solitary animals, but do sometimes form small schools, especially when hunting. When hunting, the pineapplefish uses bioluminescent bacteria contained in two pouches around its mouth to lure planktonic invertebrates and small fish close. The pineapplefish has evolved the ability to control these bacteria – turning the light blue-green when hunting, orange to aid camouflage during the day and completely off to hide at night. Its pretty yellow and black scales are not only for show – the pineapplefish is actually fully armoured. The yellow scales that look similar to the bumps on a pineapple are called scutes or bony plates. The rays of the pineapplefish’s fins point backwards and are tipped with fierce spikes that can be locked into position to deter attacks from behind. The pineapplefish has not yet been assessed for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.Breede river redfin
The Breede River redfin lives only in the streams of the Cape Fold mountains.They are thought to be relics of an ancient lineage of fish, which survived climate and other changes by retreating into cold mountain streams.Most minnow species are threatened, the redfin is listed as critically endangered.Large alien fish such as bass like to eat these small fish.Clanwilliam sawfin
The Clanwilliam sawfin lives only in deep pools in the Olifants River system in the Western Cape.Males and females gather together under waterfalls and rapids to breed.Moggel
These fish live in summer rainfall areas in many of South Africa’s river systems, including the Orange-Vaal system, the Gourits, Gamtoos, Great Fish and Bushmans systems.They prefer standing or gently flowing water, and unlike many other indigenous fish, thrive in dams.In summer, they migrate upstream after rains, and spawn over flooded grassy river banks. Each female produces about 250 000 eggs, which hatch within 2 days. The larvae swim to the surface, and are lifted by the current and carried into deeper water, before the floodwaters subside altogether.Banded tilapia
Banded tilapia live in the Orange River, rivers on KwaZulu-Natal south coast, southern Congo tributaries, Lake Malawi and the Zambezi.They prefer quiet or standing water with submerged vegetation.Tilapia feed on algae, soft plants, invertebrates, e.g. insects and sometimes small fish.Males build saucer-like nests in which eggs are laid and guarded by both parents.Cape kurper
Cape kurpers live in southern and southwestern Cape coastal rivers, and were also introduced into the Clanwilliam Olifants River system.They eat insects, other invertebrates and small fish.This species is threatened by habitat destruction and predation by alien bass.Benguela compass jelly
The compass jelly is one of three species that are endemic to the South African coast.
Comb jelly
Comb jellies are not jellies at all, but their bodies are made up of a similar jelly substance.