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Turtles of the world
Resource 2
Resource 3
Resource 4
Resource 5
resource 6
Resource 6 summary | Two Oceans Aquarium | summary | Two Oceans Aquarium
Urban Otter poster
Clownfish Activity Sheet
Puppet Show | Two Oceans
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Grade 7 Smart Living Course
The Smart Living course aims to create eco-conscious citizens. All our livelihoods are linked to the natural environment in some way, from the water that comes from our taps to the electricity that powers our appliances. In this course, we look at the importance of preserving our environment, saving energy, minimising our waste and conserving our water resources for the future. There are plenty of hands-on activities with excursions to our local ‘Biodiversity Garden’ and a tour of a nearby waste management facility. Upon completion of the course, students are encouraged to perform some form of environmental action to spread awareness about our livelihoods' impact on our natural environment and its resources.
Grade 8 & 9 Introduction to Marine Science
This course aims to introduce students to the subject of ‘Marine Sciences’, some of the various topics it entails and hopefully encourage them to consider a future in the field. This academic course introduces students to marine biology, oceanography, and ecology in a fun way with various practical activities and an excursion to a nearby marine ecosystem. Students will leave the course with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their future subject choices and possibly a career in marine sciences.