How do marine protected areas impact turtles?
Our Marine Protected Areas (MPA) are extraordinarily diverse and home to myriad species that play a core role in South Africa’s ecosystems. The Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation’s Turtle Conservation Centre places great value on the existence of MPAs – these marine havens provide feeding, breeding, and nesting grounds for many turtle species.
Vibrant Visitors: Our Marine Wildlife Management team rescued a super cute African wood owl!
The V&A Waterfront is full of fascinating species, beyond the “typical” seals, otters, and sunfish… The African wood owl is a not-so-frequent visitor to the V&A Waterfront, but if you’re lucky, you may spot one on your next visit.
Do you want to be an intern at the Turtle Conservation Centre?
Have you ever dreamed of contributing to the conservation of an endangered species? What about working with a passionate and knowledgeable team while getting hands-on experience in the field of turtle rehabilitation?
You could make this dream a reality – the Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation’s Turtle Conservation Centre is looking for an intern!
Adopt a turtle this Mandela Day!
Mandela Day is all about having a positive impact through our actions. What better way to do this than to contribute to the survival of an endangered species? Adopt a rescued turtle hatchling through our Turtle Conservation Centre!
Meet the Fallows: Ocean storytellers with the cutest sidekicks!
Monique and Chris Fallows are incredible ocean storytellers and friends of the Two Oceans Aquarium, so we were thrilled to host them (and one of their adorable dogs, Sandi) for a reading of Sandi and the Salty Sea Dogs at the Two Oceans Aquarium. The Fallows are dedicated to spreading the message of ocean conservation – with the excitement leading up to Marine Protected Areas Day, we hope their story inspires our Two Oceans Aquarium family to take steps towards protecting our ocean. Let’s learn more about the Fallows’ ocean journey…
How to celebrate MPA Day: Join in these exciting activities on 1 and 3 August
Marine Protected Areas are for everyone to enjoy and learn from for generations to come! Together with like-minded ocean-loving organisations, we're sharing our passion this MPA Day by bringing you a bunch of fun, informative and exciting activities to join in on. Rock pooling, surfing, snorkelling, beach cleanups, seminars, and more - there's a way for everyone to enjoy our precious False Bay Hope Spot and more this MPA Day!
Happy Women's Day to some of our incredible ocean guardians!
Happy Women's Day! From turtle conservation and education to research and visitor services, our Aquarium and its Foundation are privileged to be guided by some tenacious, inspiring women.
Let's meet these ocean guardians...
Grade 10 subject choices have never been easier - apply for Marine Sciences 2025 now!
Around this time of year, Grade 9s across South Africa are making a tough choice… which subjects to take to Matric? And the bigger question: how will these subjects shape my future? Well, the answers can be found in the wonderful world of Marine Sciences.
The Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation co-hosted an exciting Seal-Human Conflict Conference
When humans and wild animals cross paths in urban frontiers like the V&A Waterfront, finding the best methods to work together to avoid conflict and achieve harmony is the absolute priority. Collaboration proved key at the Seal-Human Conflict Workshop held on 23 and 24 July 2024 - let's look at what was covered.
MPA Day 2024 grows into a global ocean conservation movement
Thousands across the globe joined in celebrating Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Day on 1 August and into the weekend. From South Africa to Sweden and beyond, these ‘nature reserves of the sea’ were celebrated with more than 30 activities organised, emanating from this South African-born event.
Join us for Trash Bash beach cleanup - protect our Marine Protected Areas!
Shine a light on the message of Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Day at our next Trash Bash beach cleanup!
As part of the Table Mountain National Park MPA, Hout Bay is the perfect site for an MPA-focused Trash Bash. The Two Oceans Aquarium and our Aquarium family will be at Hout Bay Beach on Saturday, 17 August – join us to experience first-hand the vital role beach cleanups can play in ocean health inside and outside MPAs.
Thank you to our turtle community!
As many of our Aquarium and Foundation family know, April saw an unprecedented number of stranded turtle hatchlings arriving at the Turtle Conservation Centre. Our team was working around the clock to care for over 500 loggerhead hatchlings, but we couldn't have done it without our turtle community. We would like to take this opportunity to thank a few of the incredible ocean champions who have helped us in our efforts to rescue and care for these precious turtles.