Meet Bheni, the green turtle!
Bheni is a green turtle (Chelonia mydas) who was rescued in December 2022 with a significant infection under the scutes (shell plates) of his carapace (top shell). Since then, he's been undergoing rehabilitation at our Turtle Conservation Centre.
Why did the Western leopard toad cross the road?
It is that time of the year when the endemic and endangered Western leopard toads migrate from their garden homes to various water bodies to breed. August has already seen great numbers of toads moving across busy roads at night around the Cape Peninsula and sadly many, many have already lost their lives due to cars.
Join us at Trash Bash Mouille Point on 1 April 2023
On 1 April 2023, the Trash Bash Clean-up will take place at Mouille Point Beach - let's clean up our coastline!
Why should I take Marine Sciences?
Are you in Grade 9 and looking for a subject choice that will both excite and prepare you for your future? Do you know someone in this space? The Marine Sciences FET course at the Two Oceans Aquarium is the perfect path for those interested in an exhilarating, awesomely aquatic future!
Deep Dive: Women in science
Join us in celebrating the amazing women who motivate, inspire and encourage us on a daily basis!
Dive with these 4 animals at the Two Oceans Aquarium
Scuba dive at the Two Oceans Aquarium and experience an up-close and personal encounter with some of the ocean's most fascinating animals.
Reduce, reuse, recycle: Happy National Recycling Day!
Recycling is a commonly used word in today’s day and age, and everyone is familiar with those characteristically colourful bins – but do we know what it means? Today, on South Africa’s Recycling Day, let’s unpack: What is recycling? Why is it important? And how can I participate?
Tracking our Turtles: Grand travels
Our turtles have had some grand travels since their respective releases. Today, Bob, Pan, and Turbo have some exciting news for us! Let's hear more from Talitha Noble, Conservation Manager at the Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation's Turtle Conservation Centre.
Grade 11 and 12 learners: Join us for the Exploring Oceanography Course
Discover the science, fascination, and careers of oceanography, courtesy of the Exploring Oceanography Course.
Why do penguins waddle?
Visitors to the Two Oceans Aquarium are most likely familiar with the characteristic (and adorable) waddle of the penguins. This clumsy, wiggling, side-to-side gait is one of their most endearing qualities. But have you ever wondered why they waddle?
Looking back at an AMAZING Trash Bash!
Thank you to everyone who made this past Trash Bash one of the best yet! We're happy to report an amazing turnout and a large amount of trash collected! See you all at the next one.
Another AMAZING Trash Bash done and dusted!
Thank you all for celebrating International Coastal Cleanup Day with us, by completing yet another amazing Trash Bash at Monwabisi Beach!